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What is YOUR Definition of Fitness?

“Fitness is the ability to perform a task.” Performing a given task may require specific skills or attributes including speed, endurance, flexibility, balance, accuracy, power and agility. Who is more fit? The Olympic weight lifter, the professional basketball player or the marathon runner? Each “fit” athlete attempts to master a few different attributes specific to their task. “I can’t tell… Read More »What is YOUR Definition of Fitness?

Gandhi the Weight Loss Coach

Here is something we should all remind ourselves of when we are looking for excuses:     

The only common denominator among every program you have ever done, every weight loss book or DVD you have ever purchased, or trainer you have worked with … is YOU.    

 Tough love? Yes. The absolute truth, so help you God? Yeppers. Do you remember your grade school math? Addition, division, common denominators? Not too difficult, right? Read More »Gandhi the Weight Loss Coach