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Exercise Coach Tips

Corrective strategies, injury reduction techniques, physical therapy tips, and more to keep you strong, durable, and reddy to perform.

Planking 101 – Short versus Long Plank Holds and More Tips

Planks are pretty popular for “core training”, but are rarely done effectively. They can be great for improving your breathing and creating total body tension which is key to increasing your strength and power. Whatever type of plank you are practicing, try doing them in intervals of 10-20 sec versus holding for longer 60+ sec where you will usually end… Read More »Planking 101 – Short versus Long Plank Holds and More Tips

Pros and Problems with Performing Planks and Planking Challenges

For most people, planks are a pretty darned good exercise. Similar to food, there aren’t too many “bad” exercises, only bad habits and behaviors (aka exercise form) surrounding those exercises. Done correctly in moderation, planks can help you in two primary areas: Develop core muscle-endurance while helping you differentiate between your abdominal wall muscles and your breathing mechanisms. Meaning, you… Read More »Pros and Problems with Performing Planks and Planking Challenges

What is YOUR Definition of Fitness?

“Fitness is the ability to perform a task.” Performing a given task may require specific skills or attributes including speed, endurance, flexibility, balance, accuracy, power and agility. Who is more fit? The Olympic weight lifter, the professional basketball player or the marathon runner? Each “fit” athlete attempts to master a few different attributes specific to their task. “I can’t tell… Read More »What is YOUR Definition of Fitness?